How It Works

What to do if you're interested in my wedding services.

  1. Get in TouchContact me to schedule an obligation free meeting to see if I am the right celebrant for you. At this meeting we can talk about what you would like to do at your marriage ceremony and you can also consider any ideas that I can offer you about ceremony structure, content, timing and logistics.
  2. Confirm Confirm my booking if you decide to go ahead with my services. You don’t need to do this on the spot – you can call me within a week.
  3. Do a little Paperwork Take a Notice of Intended of Marriage (NOIM) form home with you to complete the details. This has to be lodged with me no later than one calendar month from the wedding day.
  4. Meet me again with the following
    • Completed NOIM form (do not sign it as I have to witness signatures)
    • Original Birth Certificates (or passports if born outside Australia and Birth Certificates are unavailable)
    • Original Decree Nisi/Divorce/Death Certificates if you have been previously married
    • Full Names of two witnesses (must be over 18 years, will be attending the ceremony and prepared to sign the wedding documentation)
    • A deposit of $100 to confirm my services

Get in touch to see how I can help you

Contact Me